Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up?

To signup, go to  and create a new account, followed by confirming your email address.

After your email address is confirmed, create a new application. An application organizes your information in one place and allows you to select from various social sharing plans. A plan defines the number of social platforms and application members an application can contain.

How do I setup a Social Media Provider?

A Social Media Provider (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) manages user‘s digital information and identity. It can authenticate a user of their service, validating the user is who they say they are.

To begin using Stitchz, a Social Media Identity Provider (IdP) must be setup for each application. Once setup the IdP grants a special token that can be used to share information on that social network. Each Social platform has unique steps for setting up a valid request. Follow the respective steps outlined in each Social platform listed below.

 Facebook Setup

Details instructions can be found at

 Twitter Setup

Details instructions can be found at

 Pinterest Setup

Details instructions can be found at

 Tumblr Setup

Details instructions can be found at

 LinkedIn Setup

Details instructions can be found at

 Plurk Setup

Details instructions can be found at

What information do you store about me?

We store the minimum required information necessary to create a simple, relevant experience. This includes limited information as allowed by you and your IdP (identity provider) when signing up or adding a Social Identity.

How do I remove all my information?

The simplest and most straight forward way to remove your information from Stitchz is by deleting your account. To delete your account, login, go to Settings and click Delete. Deleting your account will cancel any subscriptions and remove all identities, shares, and information from Stitchz.

To delete individual information you can remove your Identity profile. To remove your identity profile, go to Settings, then find the Social Group where the identity exists, then click Remove on the identity. Removing an identity will delete all information associated with the identity.