How to Setup a LinkedIn API and Identity for Stitchz
Stitchz allows a LinkedIn Page Manager to share and manage posts on their Page. This means that in order to share on LinkedIn via Stitchz you must request a developer API key/secret and the appropriate permissions (scope). Follow the steps below to request an API key/secret and submit for review.
- Login LinkedIn with the account you plan to share posts.
- Go to the developers portal and create a new App.
Figure 1 - Complete the app form (Figure 2).
Figure 2 - After completing the new app form, you'll be redirected to the new app's Settings page (Figure 3).
Figure 3 - Click the "Auth" tab to find the Authentication keys and enter the Stitchz authorized redirect URL (Figure 4). Add the Stitchz redirect URL ( Copy the LinkedIn Client ID and Client Secret to use at a later step.
Figure 4 - Next, click the "Products" tab. The Products page lists available featues an app can request and use (Figure 5).
Figure 5 - Select "Sign In with LinkedIn" (Figure 6). Review and agree to the terms then click "Add product" (Figure 6).
Figure 6 - Select "Share on LinkedIn" (Figure 7). Review and agree to the terms then click "Add product" (Figure 7).
Figure 7 - Adding a product will initiate an app review from LinkedIn. Make sure to check your email as they will contact the primary email address with their decision. The review process can take 1 - 10 days.
- After your app has been approved, copy the new LinkedIn Client ID and Client Secret from your LinkedIn App Dashboard Auth page into your Stitchz application. Go to Apps > Settings, then click the shield in the Identity Providers section to add a new provider (Figure 8). In the form that appears, select LinkedIn and paste your Client Id and Client Secret, followed by ticking all the scopes/permissions in the Provider Scope section, then click Save.
Figure 8 - From the application Settings page, click the social group name. Next, click the green Add Identity button to add your LinkedIn Identity (the account responsible for managing the Page). On the modal window click LinkedIn to begin the process to add your LinkedIn Identity to Stitchz (Figure 9).
Figure 9 - If prompted, login into LinkedIn with the account you are connecting with (Figure 10).
Figure 10 - For full sharing features in Stitchz, accept the permissions request by clicking "Allow" (Figure 11).
Figure 11 - After the Identity has been added click the Identity's Pages button to load the list of available pages the Identity has management access to (Figure 12). Click Add Identity to add the Page.
Figure 12 - Setup is complete, you can begin sharing posts on the LinkedIn Page from Stitchz.